“Religious” Anti-Fracking Protesters Arrested in Annapolis, Maryland

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There is a concerted effort by a small group of fossil fuel haters to strip away the Constitutional property rights of all Marylanders by passing a permanent ban on fracking in the state. They've already convinced the Maryland House to pass a ban bill. The haters spew outright lies about fracking and attract local media outlets with gullible reporters who never question their outlandish claims. While they make false claims about fracking, that it pollutes water, air and in general kills everything, make no mistake--the root of their objection is that fracking extracts fossil fuels which, in the religion of environmental extremists, causes man-made global warming. That is what animates them. Unfortunately, as we have previously observed, Christian pastors from liberal denominations are claiming that the issue of fracking is a "moral" issue, a "good vs. evil" conflict (see Global Warming Jumps the Shark – Into Maryland Churches). These apostate pastors have left their first love, Jesus Christ, and traded away Our Lord for a bowl of environmental pottage. How sad. And how tragic for the flocks they're leading--right into the abyss. A group of so-called "faith leaders" and others blocked the entrance to the Maryland State House yesterday, and were promptly arrested and removed...

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