Eclipse Resources Touts Big ROI on Long Horizontal Shale Wells
Pardon me, but may I ask, How long is your lateral? We don't mean to ask such a personal question, but in this case, size matters. You see, the longer the lateral, the more return on investment (ROI) you get--according to top officials from Eclipse Resources. Eclipse Resources, a Marcellus/Utica pure play driller headquartered in State College, PA that drills mostly in Ohio, fielded top officials at two different events this week to talk about the company's drilling program--and their impressively long laterals. MDN editor Jim Willis heard Eclipse CEO Benjamin W. Hulburt at the Oil & Gas Investment Symposia (OGIS) in New York on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Eclipse's vice president of drilling, Oleg Tolmachev, appeared at the Utica Upstream conference at Walsh University in North Canton. They both hit on a theme that struck a chord with us--namely, that by drilling longer lateral Utica wells, the company is drastically lowering the cost per foot of drilling--and by doing so, they raise the ROI, making their shale wells more profitable than their competitors'...
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