Fed Court Strikes Major Blow to Obama Clean Power Plan

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An important breakthrough in our long struggle to overthrow the odious and misnamed Obama Clean Power Plan--a plan that assassinates coal and mortally wounds natural gas (see Obama Stabs Natural Gas Electric Plants in Clean Power Plan). On Friday, a federal court granted the Trump administration's request to suspend a myriad of lawsuits against the CPP. Essentially what the court has done is to push the pause button on the CPP for the next 60 days to allow the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the agency that perpetrated the CPP crime on the country, an opportunity to figure out how to repeal it and just be done with it. None other than the mouthpiece of the establishment--the Washington Post--says the court ruling signals "the likely end of President Barack Obama’s signature climate policy." They're in mourning over at the Post. Here's the good news that the CPP is on life support, waiting for Scott Pruitt to pull the plug and finally kill it...

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