PA Dems Continue to Push Severance Tax Instead of Spending Cuts

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Pennsylvania does not have a taxing problem, as people like Gov. Tom Wolf pretend--it has a spending problem, as in they spend beyond their means. The last governor that tried to correct that problem--Tom Corbett--got handed one term in the big chair for his efforts at dealing honestly with it. Big Education and Big Labor knifed Corbett in the back, politically, after he cut the mammoth increase in their growth. (FEED ME FEED ME) If you want to know why PA is in budget trouble, look no further than it's Secretary of the Dept. of Community and Economic Development, Dennis Davin. Every econ growth guy we've ever talked to knows that increasing taxes gets less of what you tax--it is an incontrovertible fact in economics. Yet Davin, who's boss is utter failure Tom Wolf, is pushing hard for a huge tax increase on the Marcellus industry--the very industry that has singlehandedly kept PA out of an economic abyss. And yet the guy who should understand the issue the best, is pushing hardest for the tax. That tells you all you need to know about the Wolf Administration and it's utter failure...

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