Youngstown Antis Float New Ballot Measure to Rig Elections
Anti-fossil fuel agitators in Youngstown, aided and abetted and whipped into a frenzy by the radical Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), have grown tired of losing. Six times now they have gotten enough signatures to put a so-called Community Bill of Rights (i.e. anti fracking) measure on the ballot for voters. And six times they have lost. As we reported in May, the nutters are making another run at it, placing an anti-fracking measure on the ballot for the seventh time. But this time there's a twist--they want to legalize illegal actions of "civil" disobedience (see Youngstown Antis Seek to Legalize Anarchy with 7th CELDF Petition). That is, they want to break the law but not be held accountable for their actions. Now comes word the nutters aren't stopping there. They plan to put a second measure on the Youngstown ballot in November. Both measures are loaded with anti-democratic regulations that would, if enacted, eliminate free speech by capping the amount of money that can be spent to campaign against theirĀ ballot measures. Nothing better thanĀ a loaded deck of cards when you sit down to play, right? The nutters also want to ban the use of money raised from wastewater treatment to be used on economic development projects. Let's sum it up this way: Youngstown antis lose every time they float ballot measures related to fracking and fossil fuels, so know they want to change the rules (i.e. laws) to stack the deck in their own favor. What they can't get at the ballot box, they now want to get by force, in legalizing civil disobedience. What they want to bring to Youngstown is, in a word, anarchy...
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