Ohio EPA Tries to Repair Recent Bad Blood with Open House

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Last week the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) held a "first-of-its-kind" oil and gas open house to discuss communication between the agency and the oil and gas industry. Which is kind of interesting considering Craig Bulter, the head of OEPA, is no glittering example of communication. He's been talking with Rover Pipeline people, saying one thing in private, and another in public (see Ohio EPA’s Craig Butler Goes Nuts, Demands $2.3M from Rover Pipe). But Butler wanted to paper over his actions-that-speak-louder-than-words, and the industry played along, participating in last week's meeting. After all, what can they do? OEPA has the power to really screw with the Utica industry. Best to keep the emperor happy. Fortunately OEPA is more than just one man. There are, by accounts from a report coming from the meeting, good people who work in OEPA--people who are actually interested in good communication between regulators and regulatees...

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