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From time to time so-called experts will come out of the woodwork to proclaim that burning coal to produce electricity is better for the environment than burning natural gas. Cornell professors Robert Howarth and Anthony Ingraffea (now retired) attempted to make that case back in 2011 (see New Cornell University Study Says Shale Gas Extraction Worse for Global Warming Than Coal). Their research was roundly refuted (laughed at) by the U.S. Dept. of Energy, Carnegie Mellon University, and a study by a different group of Cornell professors (see New Cornell Study Says Coal is Not Cleaner than Natural Gas). A new study just published by researchers at the University of Michigan finds when you consider the lifetime "toxic emissions" from both coal and natural gas, there is no contest. Coal's toxic emissions are 10 to 100 times greater (i.e. more harmful) to the environment than emissions coming from the use of natural gas to produce electricity...
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