Post-Gazette Editors Show Total Ignorance re Severance Tax

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The lefty propagandists, who refer to themselves as "editors" of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, are at it again. Last Friday they ran an editorial calling out State Rep. Eli Evankovich, a Republican from Murrysville, saying he should be "ashamed of himself." Why? Did he secretly use false personas of his own constituents to attack the oil and gas industry? No, that was State Rep. Jesse White, whom the Post-Gazette "editors" were strangely silent about (see PA Rep. White Says Fake IDs were “Error in Judgment”). Rep. Evankovich's transgression is that he offered an amendment to the insane severance tax bill being considered in the PA House, HB 1401. Evankovich's amendment would require natural gas utilities to add a line item in the gas bill consumers get in the mail each month. The line would have the names of the governor and the local representatives who voted for the severance tax, along with the portion of the gas bill that goes to pay for the tax. Heresy! Off with his head! You NEVER actually tell the hoi polloi, the common people, the truth! That's just not done. And so the editors of the Post-Gazette want to shame (better yet vote out of office) Evankovich for daring to throw this disgusting tax--all of which will go to Philadelphia teachers to repay them for voting for Wolf--right back in their leftist faces. Unfortunately Evankovich's amendment was voted down...

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