This is the second day in a row we've had to bring you news of a fire at a Marcellus Shale well site. Yesterday we told you about a fire at an EQT well pad in Marshall County, WV (see
Fire at EQT Well Pad in Marshall County, WV). That fire started in gas processing equipment near the well. Like yesterday's WV news, today's news of a fire in Pennsylvania also concerns equipment being used at the well pad--NOT a fire in the actual well itself nor anything to do with drilling or fracking. The well pad in question is the first location where Marcellus wells were drilled in Somerset County--a decade ago. Yesterday a fire ignited around 9 am at the Menhorn well pad, owned by Xtreme Energy. The fire "was in a flange next to the cooling tower" at the well pad. The fire was out within an hour. Nobody was injured, although firefighters did evacuate four nearby homes (eight people) just to be safe. The all-clear was given by 10:30 am. The state Dept. of Environmental Protection (DEP) is on the site and a preliminary report concludes "the equipment associated with the well failed and caught fire, but the wellhead was not on fire." Here's the details as we have them...
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