The shale industry
produces a lot of water. You read that right. The industry not only *uses* a lot of water (roughly 5 million gallons per well for fracking), it also *produces* a lot of water. Some 80% of the water used in fracking never comes back out of the ground--it seeps into the ground and stays there. However, there is naturally occurring water from the depths--from far below what we think of as "the water table" that sits a few hundred feet down. When you drill a hole in the ground a mile, or two miles down--there's water down there too. It's super-salty (full of minerals), which is why it's called brine. In the industry the phrase used to describe this naturally occurring water is produced water. And it comes out long after fracking is over and done. It comes out for years--decades even. Drillers have to dispose of it somehow. The preferred method is to recycle it and use it for other drilling. When brine is recycled and the minerals (i.e. salt) is removed, the salt can be put to good uses, like spreading it on roads during the winter. Antis paint a scary picture of environmental holocaust in using "fracked salt"--but it's nonsense. A bipartisan bill in Ohio is getting fresh attention, a bill that will allow for the sale of "fracked" brine for deicing roads in the Buckeye State during winter...
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