Presbyterians Vote to Divest from Fossil Fuels – Yet Keep Using Them

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Liberal Presbyterians in Pittsburgh, along with their comrades from New York, have succeeded in pressuring a once-great denomination, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), into adopting a proposal that forces the denomination to divest from all investments in fossil fuel companies, and instead invest in so-called renewable energy companies. The measure says divestment is "the beginning of a faithful response to the devastating and urgent reality of climate change." The leaders of the divestment movement within the denomination say investing in fossil fuels is the moral equivalent of investing in tobacco, alcohol and gambling. And yet the very same people and the very same denomination refuse to lead by example. They don't force their churches to quit using "devastating fossil fuels" to heat and cool their buildings. They don't demand parishioners quit driving fossil-fuel powered automobiles to church. And they certainly don't refuse tithes and offerings from those who work at evil fossil fuel companies (nor do they prohibit contributions from fossil fuel companies). Just a tad hypocritical?...

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