Wolf Caves on Severance Tax – Admits He Won’t Get It Passed

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Yesterday Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf spoke at a Harrisburg Regional Chamber of Commerce luncheon, where Wolf tried to fleece business owners and managers into thinking he's on their side. (Nice try, but no cigar.) Wolf said he thinks the state will have an on-time budget this year, because he doesn't plan to drag it out for months and months as he has in the past. Wolf did not mention the severance tax during his talk before the Chamber, but in discussions following his talk, Wolf "acknowledged...that he is unlikely to secure it [a severance tax] in his first term amid resistance by House Republican leaders." This is huge! Wolf is admitting defeat, throwing in the towel--that he won't get the tax, at least not this year. However, before we jump up and down to rejoice, know this: Wolf believes he's going to win reelection, and then he intends to go after the severance tax again--with a vengeance. Which is why it's so important that he not win a second term. But if he does win (perish the thought!), a Republican-controlled House remains our only firewall against a Marcellus-killing severance tax intended to raise billions for Philadelphia teachers' unions...

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