Diesel Rig Drilling 10K-Ft Well on Cornell U Campus – No Protests

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The Cornell University Borehole Observatory located on a Cornell-owned gravel parking lot near Palm Road. (source: Cornell University)
Quick! Where are Bob Howarth and Tony Ingraffea, current and retired (respectively) anti-drilling Cornell professors who hate fossil energy and everything to do with it--including drilling rigs? There's a huge diesel rig set up on property owned by Cornell University in Planet Ithaca (Upstate New York), chewing away at a borehole that's now two-thirds of the way down to its 10,000-foot target. Yet there hasn't been a single protest, not a peep, from Howarth and Ingraffea. Why? Because the carbon/methane-belching drilling rig is drilling a hole for a geothermal heating project.

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