What FERC Got Wrong re New Certificate for Spire STL Pipeline

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Last week the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a second permanent certificate to operate the 65-mile Spire STL Pipeline that connects to and flows Marcellus/Utica gas from the Rockies Express (REX) pipeline in Scott County, IL, to residents and businesses in the St. Louis, MO area (see FERC Issues New Permanent Certificate for Spire STL Pipeline). Spire submitted a strong case of demonstrated "need" to FERC, aided in that effort by the experts at RBN Energy. Unfortunately, FERC's Democrat commissioners pretty much ignored that strong case of need even as they voted to approve the project. RBN pulls back the curtain to show us what went on behind the scenes and why FERC's decision, while welcome news, is also disturbing.

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