Court Allows LG&E to Build Tiny Pipe Thru Kentucky Arboretum Land

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In May 2021, MDN told you that Louisville Gas and Electric Company (LG&E) had won Kentucky state approval to build a new 12-inch, 12-mile pipeline near Louisville to supply gas to homes and businesses that can’t connect to LG&E’s local natgas utility system because it is currently maxed out (see Pass the Jim Beam! Judge Clears Way for Gas Pipe Near Louisville, KY). The local Bernheim Arboretum has resisted attempts to build across three-tenths of one percent (0.028%) of Arboretum land--along an existing cleared path where electric lines already go. LG&E took the Arboretum to court, and last week the court ruled in favor of LG&E and its right to build the pipe through a small section of Arboretum land.

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