Biden Dept. of Agriculture Approves Wisconsin Gas-Fired Power Plant

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In September 2022, MDN told you about a relatively modest-sized gas-fired power plant planned for Superior, Wisconsin, called the Nemadji Trail Energy Center (see Midwest Elec Grid Roasted for Supporting New Gas-Fired Power Plant). As we pointed out in that post, the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) supports the project, which earned it scorn from climate cultists. The left is doing everything they can to stop the plant, including the Biden EPA. In November 2022, the EPA said a review of the project failed to take into account how much mythical global warming it would create (see Biden EPA Attacks, Blocks Work on Wisconsin Gas-Fired Power Plant). However, it appears the Biden Dept. of Agriculture didn't get the memo from the EPA, issuing a finding of "no significant impact" to the environment from the project.

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