We happened to come across two articles casting doubt on so-called "green" hydrogen, both from far-left media outlets (Bloomberg and POLITICO). Which kind of surprised us. The left believes hydrogen is the savior that will move the world to net zero carbon emissions and finally drive a stake in the heart of fossil energy. But there's a problem with hydrogen for the left. Today, 95% of all hydrogen is produced by using natural gas as the feedstock. The brainiacs on the left believe passing an electric current (from electricity provided by solar and wind) through water to create hydrogen at scale (called "green" hydrogen) is the solution to replace natgas as a feedstock (called gray or blue hydrogen, depending on whether or not CO2 is captured). However, according to a new Harvard University study, producing green hydrogen isn't economically feasible (and won't be for decades) due to transportation and storage costs, two items overlooked in most green hydrogen scenarios.
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