7 New Shale Well Permits Issued for PA-OH-WV Jan 20 – 26

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For the week of Jan 20 - 26, permits issued in the Marcellus/Utica to drill new shale wells fell off a proverbial cliff. Two weeks ago, 41 new permits were issued. Last week, the number plummeted to just seven new permits issued. Perhaps the most interesting thing about last week's numbers is that NO new permits were issued in the Keystone State (PA). We believe that's the first time we've seen no new permits in PA. We wonder if there's a problem with the reporting system (the state DEP's reporting system is known to occasionally have issues). We'll check again next week to see if PA's numbers get updated. Meanwhile, there were four new permits for the Buckeye State (OH) and three for the Mountain State (WV).

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