Three town board members in the Town of Sidney (Delaware County), NY should be concerned--very concerned. They voted February 13th to enact a one-year moratorium against shale drilling and fracking. Two other board members voted against the moratorium, so it passed. Now, all residents of the Town of Sidney will have to shuck out more money in taxes to defend that vote--on Wednesday they were sued by a group of local landowners whose property rights have been violated by the ban.
The worrisome part for Sidney is who is doing the suing on behalf of the landowers--Hinman, Howard & Kattell (HHK)--the same law firm that successfully sued Binghamton over their moratorium. Binghamton's moratorium was found illegal and tossed last year (see
NY Judge Throws Out Binghamton Fracking Moratorium). Below is a summary of the lawsuit against Sidney, as provided to MDN by HHK:
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