Cabot Launches CNG Fueling Station in NE PA
MDN editor Jim Willis (that's me) had the pleasure of a late summer/early autumn drive from Binghamton to Dimock, PA yesterday. I attended the official opening of Cabot's compressed natural gas (CNG) facility near Dimock. On hand for the ceremony were not only officials from Cabot, but also local politicians, a rep from the state DEP, local colleges and others.
George Stark, Cabot's chief spokesman and director of external affairs, kicked off the event by calling the Marcellus Shale in Susquehanna County (the only place in PA they drill), a "generational" shale play. He said "production here is just prolific" and that what Cabot and others are doing in Susquehanna County is "changing the world." His comments may seem like hyperbole, but indeed they are not...
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