NY Frack Ban Cases Make (Glacial) Progress, Some Dates to Share
In August MDN told you that New York's highest court, the Court of Appeals, would hear the twin cases of Dryden and Middlefield (see BREAKING: NY Court of Appeals will Hear Dryden/Middlefield Case). There are two things that keep shale drilling away from New York right now: (1) Gov. Andrew Cuomo's spineless inability to take a stand and do the right thing to allow it, and (2) the Dryden/Middlefield cases. MDN believes the court cases are the more important of the two. Cuomo will come around sooner or later--he has to. However, if the court says a majority vote from a local town board can ban fracking thereby denying property rights for landowners throughout an entire township--that's the death knell for drilling in New York. No sizable driller will gamble with hundreds of millions in lease money to see a local town simply vote to shut it all down. Too risky. (For our analysis of the New York situation, see the post: Anti-Drillers Attempt a Brave Face with NY Appeals Court Decision.)
So the Dryden/Middlefield cases are of supreme importance in the fight for property rights and to allow drilling for New York's landowners. What's the latest in those all-important cases? They're moving along at the speed of a glacier--but at least we now have some dates to share...
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