Groton, NY (borders Dryden) Votes DOWN 6-Month Frack Moratorium
Whattya know? Maybe there is hope for the People's Republic of Tompkins County, NY after all. Tompkins County is home to anti-drilling organizations including the partisan Park Foundation and the many people it funds--like Cornell professors Tony Ingraffea and Robert Howarth, and the wife and husband lawyer team of Helen and David Slottje, who make mischief at local town board meetings, encouraging them to institute illegal bans and moratoriums on fracking.
One of the the towns the Slottjes duped into passing a ban was Dryden, NY--in Tompkins County. The Dryden ban has been appealed all the way to the highest court in New York, the Court of Appeals where the case will be heard in early 2014. We're sure the taxpayers of Dryden enjoy footing that portion of the legal bill not generously covered by the Park Foundation. Anywho, the town next door to Dryden is Groton. The Groton town board voted down a proposed six-month moratorium on fracking at their Tuesday night meeting. It's a small victory for democracy and right thinking. Too bad some of Groton's common sense wouldn't rub off on their Dryden neighbors...
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