WPX Energy has made not only a smart move, but is doing the right thing. MDN told you last week about the three families in Franklin Forks, PA who say nearby Marcellus drilling by WPX Energy caused methane to migrate into their water wells (see
WPX to Make 2nd Attempt at Removing Water Tanks in Franklin Twp). The PA Dept. of Environmental Protection investigated (for years) and found the methane in the families' wells is naturally occurring and not from WPX's work. So WPX tried to remove the water tanks ("buffaloes") they voluntarily provided to the families.
One family let them remove the water buffalo, the other two illegally resisted, so WPX was scheduled to come back today with warrants in hand to remove them. But last week WPX had a change of heart and said in essence, "Go ahead and keep the water buffaloes. We'll donate them to you if you want them that badly." To which we say, it was not only a smart PR move but a nice thing, the "right thing," to do. It immediately denies the anti-drilling crazies more parading in front of TV cameras to talk about how heartless the drilling industry is. Here's the latest on the Franklin Forks saga...
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