Martian Sighting in Harrisburg – Keep Wells Away from Schools

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My Favorite MartianWhere's HG Wells when you need him? We've had another Martian sighting! At yesterday's PA Dept. of Environmental Protection Oil & Gas Technical Advisory Board (TAB) meeting, Amy Nassif, representing some of the parents from the Mars School district in Butler County, PA, addressed TAB members imploring them to "keep oil and gas well pads away from schools." Aaah, Ms. Nassif--what about well pads that already exist ON SCHOOL PROPERTY? Like the well pad at the Elk Lake School in Susquehanna County (see Rural NE PA School Nets $1.7M in Royalties from 2 Marcellus Wells). Should they rip out their two wells--wells that haven't harmed a single student and have brought in millions of dollars for the school?...

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