Duke Hit Piece on Shale Water Usage from Same Park-Sponsored Prof
A single professor from Duke University who lives by the motto "publish or perish" is out with yet another "study" published in a so-called peer reviewed journal. From time to time Avner Vengosh, professor of geochemistry and water quality at Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment, pops up to smear the Marcellus Shale. He was in league with the Izaak Walton League to attempt to tie Marcellus drilling to water contamination in Ten Mile Creek (see Is Shale Wastewater Causing Radiation Spike in Ten Mile Creek?). Turns out the testing Vengosh and Izaak Walton did, and the testing done by the DEP itself, was inaccurate (see PA DEP Screws Up Water Test at Ten Mile Creek – Egg on Face). Vengosh was paid by the Park Foundation to conduct a "study" implying untreated wastewater from the Marcellus is being disposed in streams and rivers (see Yet Another Duke University Study Smears the Marcellus Industry). Vengosh has just published another study/article, titled "Water Footprint of Hydraulic Fracturing" (full copy below). This new hit piece claims between 2005 and 2014 frackers in shale plays have used 250 billion gallons of precious, rare, supremely valuable and can never be replaced water for their filthy, vile activities. He does admit, grudgingly, that the 250 billion gallons used by frackers represents less than 1% of all water used for industrial activities. In other words, frackers' use of water is a footnote in the annals of water usage...
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