Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who is having trouble getting anyone to notice he's running for president (predictably, nobody cares when an establishment RINO runs), will swoop in at a press conference today at 3 pm in Belmont County, OH to announce that foreigners from Thailand-based PTT Global and Marubeni Corp. of Tokyo will drop $100 million on Ohio to conduct engineering and design work for a previously announced potential ethane cracker plant in the county (see
It’s Official: Belmont County Chosen as POSSIBLE Cracker Plant Site). Kasich doesn't like "foreigners" from exotic places like Texas and Oklahoma working in the oil and gas fields of Ohio (see
Ohio Gov. John Kasich Jazzed About Chesapeake Striking Oil in the Utica Shale – Refers to Potential Out-of-State Workers as “Foreigners” and
OH Gov. Kasich Continues Trash Talk Out-of-State Workers). But if you're a foreigner from, you know, a foreign country? And you have a few billion dollars to drop in the state? That's A.O.K. for the son of a postal worker turned Congressman turned career politician turned RINO turned governor. But let's not get lost in the tortured politics of John Kasich. Let's celebrate the fact that PTT Global CEO Supattanapong Punmeechaow, from Thailand, is flying over to attend today's announcement. That's a very positive sign indeed that this potential $5 billion project, which we're now reading has been upgraded closer to $6 billion, is on track to become a reality...
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