dodo bird
In 2013 the radical leftist PA-based group Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) convinced enough ignoramuses in Highland Township (Elk County, PA) to pass a so-called Community Bill of Rights. Seneca Resources, a driller with leases and an active drilling program in Elk, had planned to drill an injection well on their own property to dispose of their own flowback and produced water. The CELDF-inspired ordinance Highland Twp passed prevented it, and Seneca threatened to sue the town (see Seneca Resources Threatens to Sue PA Town over Injection Well). Seneca made good and filed to sue, but the town and CELDF tried to prevent the lawsuit. In late March of this year, a judge overruled the objections of the radical CELDF and the nutjobs from town board (see Judge Rules Seneca May Challenge Injection Well Ban in Elk County). The latest in this ongoing saga is that the obstinate dupes from Highland, still listening to the CELDF (which has lost every home rule case brought against it) now plans to set up a home-rule charter commission--essentially change the town's incorporation status. It's a tactic of the desperate to try and circumvent state law...
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