Unbelievable: PA Dems Continue to Push for Severance Tax

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unbelievableLet's be honest: Pennsylvania already has a severance tax. It's called an impact fee + corporate income tax. The combination of the two taxes in PA levies a collective "tax" on drillers as high OR HIGHER than other oil and gas states, like Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana. To enact a new/extra severance tax on PA drillers, as Democrats like Sen. John Yudichak (Wilkes-Barre area) propose to do, would kill off what little drilling is happening in PA. It would make drilling in PA unprofitable. Yet Yudichak and others in his party see the recent PA Supreme Court decision as an excuse to push, one more time, for a severance tax. What is it about Democrats and their insatiable lust for your money?...

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