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Have you noticed what was entirely predictable (and predicted by MDN) with respect to pipeline projects in the east? Suddenly they're all bosom buddies and first cousins of the Dakota Access Pipeline. The hew and cry goes out from fossil fuel haters that ANY new natural gas pipeline project--even those that have been years in the planning and are now being constructed--must suddenly stop because the mob desires it. We have another such mob-opposed project to add to the list--a Marcellus gas pipeline Florida. Wait...what? Florida?? You read that right. Spectra Energy (and partners NextEra Energy and Duke Energy) are building a $3.2 billion, 515-mile interstate natural gas pipeline in Florida, Georgia and Alabama to deliver Marcellus gas to the southeast. The project, called Sabal Trail Transmission, has been underway for the past three years and is already half built and due to be completed and online in June 2017--six short months from now. Sabal Trail will connect to Williams' Hillabee Expansion Project, which is a new pipeline spur built off the huge Transco pipeline system (see Williams Building Alabama Pipeline with Marcellus Connection). Williams is reversing a portion of the Transco to bring Marcellus gas south. And all of a sudden a bunch of anti-fossil fuel dunderheads have woken up in Tallahassee and they don't want that nasty Sabal Trail pipeline after all. Oh gee, let's just shut it all down and go home. The radicals are planning an act of (un)civil disobedience in January to express their mob rule displeasure with the project...
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