Environmentalist Argues Against Subsidies for Solar & Wind in Ohio
Michael Shellenberger is an American author, environmental policy expert, cofounder of the Breakthrough Institute and president of Environmental Progress. He was named a Time magazine Heroes of the Environment in 2008. He lives in San Francisco and is a big-time, lefty, lib, environmentalist wacko. But, he's also an honest big-time, lefty, lib, environmentalist wacko. And for that, we respect him. Shellenberger sent a letter to the editor of the Akron Beacon Journal with the meme of stopping "discrimination against nuclear power." Among his statements in the letter, Shellengberger says: "Like most environmentalists, I used to be opposed to nuclear power. I thought solar and wind would be enough. But the more I learned about solar and wind, I realized they could never power a high-energy industrial civilization." Whoa, hold on. We're dizzy and wobbling...having been knocked up side the head with straight truth from an environmentalist. Shellenberger goes on to make a very strong case that Ohio's subsidies for solar and wind are, in part, killing nuclear energy in the state. He actually advocates an end to such subsidies. And for those who may not know, "subsidies" means Ohio Gov. John "foreigner hunter" Kasich wants to transfer money from the pockets of Ohio taxpayers into the pockets of businesses in the solar and wind industry. Shellenberger takes Kasich to task for such lunacy. Whoa, there we go again, wobbling...must hold on to something...
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