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PA May Not Be Able to Keep All the Lights On in Four Years

The CEO of the Energy Association of PA who is also a former chairman of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) asks this question: What can Pennsylvania lawmakers do about a looming regional power shortage that they didn’t cause and can’t easily fix? He says this dilemma poses the most important energy issue facing the commonwealth today. He’s certainly not against renewable energy, but he points out in an op-ed appearing in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that coal and natural gas-fired power plants are “retiring prematurely” for several reasons, and renewables can’t handle the load. The predictable end result will be blackouts in the PJM region.
Read More “PA May Not Be Able to Keep All the Lights On in Four Years”

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U.S. Energy-Related CO2 Emissions Fell 3% in 2023 Thx to NatGas

Energy comes in many forms. Most energy produced and consumed in the world comes from fossil fuels. In the United States, fossil fuels (oil, natural gas, and coal) provided 79% of all the energy we used in 2022, according to the authoritative U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA). The false narrative that so-called renewables (which are unreliable) like solar and wind are about to take over is just that — completely false. The EIA published a post yesterday to note that U.S. carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions coming from the production of energy last year fell by 3% from the previous year, mainly due to the change from using coal to using natural gas to generate electricity.
Read More “U.S. Energy-Related CO2 Emissions Fell 3% in 2023 Thx to NatGas”

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Gov. Shapiro Dooms PA Gov’t to Use Unreliable, Intermittent Solar

As we outline today in another post, the PJM electric grid, which covers 13 states including Pennsylvania, reports emissions of all the nasty things (carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide) have decreased radically thanks to the change from coal-fired power to natural gas-fired power (see Marcellus Fracked Gas Leads to Record Low Emissions in PJM Grid). We also report today that in 2023, the country as a whole increased its usage of natural gas specifically because the country (including the M-U) is adding more low-carbon gas-fired power plants (see NatGas Grew Its Share of Electric Power 7% in 2023, New Record High). So what does the “brilliant” Governor of Pennsylvania, Josh Shapiro, do? He signs up PA government agencies (sentences them) to use unreliable solar energy.
Read More “Gov. Shapiro Dooms PA Gov’t to Use Unreliable, Intermittent Solar”

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Big Labor Caves, Supports PA Gov’s Marcellus-Killing Carbon Tax

Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro traveled to Scranton, PA, in mid-March to announce a proposal to “immediately pull Pennsylvania out of a multi-state carbon cap-and-trade program” (the so-called Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, or RGGI) and instead enroll PA in its very own RGGI-like carbon tax program (see PA Gov. Shapiro Proposes Own Version of Marcellus-Killing Carbon Tax). Same end result: Shapiro’s plan would kill Marcellus-fired power plants in the state, driving them to close and relocate to West Virginia and Ohio, states that don’t engage in the lunacy of taxing carbon emissions from power plants. Unfortunately, Shapiro’s offers of bribes, er, “investments” for Big Labor, were enough to keep Big Labor in the back pocket of the Democrat Party, supporting Shapiro’s terrible carbon tax.
Read More “Big Labor Caves, Supports PA Gov’s Marcellus-Killing Carbon Tax”

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PA Gov. Shapiro Seeks to Require 35% Unreliable Renewables by 2035

In 2004, Pennsylvania implemented one of the most aggressive mandates to adopt wind and solar energy. At the time, less than 1% of net energy generation came from wind and solar in the Keystone State. In 2023, after the state had spent nearly $1.5 billion in subsidies, wind and solar generated less than 2%. And yet current Gov. Josh Shapiro (liberal Democrat) wants to double down by requiring 35% of electricity to come from politically favored sources, such as wind and solar, by 2035. The one energy source that has PROVEN to reduce carbon dioxide emissions? That would be natural gas, which is not on the politically favored sources list.
Read More “PA Gov. Shapiro Seeks to Require 35% Unreliable Renewables by 2035”


CERAWeek: ‘Mythical’ Renewables Will NOT Solve the Climate Crisis

According to Scott Tinker, CEO of Tinker Energy Associates and director emeritus of the Texas Bureau of Economic Geology, lifting billions of people out of energy poverty while reducing emissions is possible. But only if we ask the right questions. Tinker spoke at CERAWeek last week in Houston. He also had some blunt words about renewables, calling the very notion of renewable energy “mythical” and not anchored in reality. He also said: “Natural gas will be here for a very long time. And there’s quite a bit of it.”
Read More “CERAWeek: ‘Mythical’ Renewables Will NOT Solve the Climate Crisis”

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New England Electric Grid Operator IDs Fatal Flaw in Renewables

The Independent System Operator-New England (ISO-NE) is warning “blue states” in the northeast (states controlled by Democrats with an iron fist) that their strategy of pushing 100% renewables and eliminating fossil fuel energy has a fatal flaw. At the federal and state levels, elected Democrats are pushing hard to phase out fossil fuel-fired power infrastructure and replace it with sources of so-called “green” energy like wind and solar. Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont — the states that are served by ISO-NE — all have green energy mandates. And they are all in imminent danger of blackouts.
Read More “New England Electric Grid Operator IDs Fatal Flaw in Renewables”

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PA Bill Mandates 30% of Electricity Come from Solar/Wind by 2030

Whenever the government mandates which energy sources residents can and cannot use, residents lose. The government’s micromanaging of energy is a prescription for high prices and supply chain failures (i.e., blackouts). Yet leftists like Pennsylvania Rep. Danielle Friel Otten (a radical Democrat from the Philadelphia area) never seem to learn. She introduced a bill, House Bill (HB) 1467, that requires 30% of all electricity used in the state to come from unreliable renewables like wind and solar by the year 2030 — six short years from now. It is a prescription for massive failures in the power grid in the Keystone State.
Read More “PA Bill Mandates 30% of Electricity Come from Solar/Wind by 2030”

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NatGas-Powered WATT Fuel Cells HQ Staying in Westmoreland County

WATT Fuel Cell

WATT Fuel Cell Corp. signed a seven-year extension of its lease to keep its headquarters in Westmoreland County, PA. WATT Fuel Cell manufactures Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (“SOFC”) stacks and systems that operate on common, readily available fuels such as natural gas and propane. Instead of burning and combusting natural gas (or propane), those fuel sources are subjected to an electrochemical process that produces electricity (see this MDN post for a description of the process: SWPA NatGas Fuel Cell Backed by EQT Wins Product Certification).
Read More “NatGas-Powered WATT Fuel Cells HQ Staying in Westmoreland County”


Biden DOE Giving Money to Companies Controlled by China & Russia

Jigar Shah, head of the Department of Energy’s loan office, testifying Thursday. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee/Facebook

The office of Inspector General (IG) found at various government agencies is charged with keeping an independent eye on things. One of the critical things the IG keeps an eye on is how a particular agency spends its money. In case you didn’t know, the only way the government can spend money is to first take it from you (called taxes). Having independent oversight on how our money gets spent is a good idea. The IG for the U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE), Teri Donaldson, appeared before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee last Thursday. She delivered a big warning to the DOE and Senators: She is “gravely concerned” that a meaningful portion of the $400 billion the Bidenistas are trying to spend as quickly as they can on so-called green energy projects (allocated by the Inflation Reduction Act, thanks to Joe Manchin), is at risk of going to companies controlled by the Chinese and the Russians.
Read More “Biden DOE Giving Money to Companies Controlled by China & Russia”


Simple Truth: Wind, Solar & EVs Don’t Exist Without Fossil Fuels

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that there’s a whole bunch of people in our energy-climate discussion who just won’t accept what can only be described as obvious and undeniable facts. What are those facts? Fossil fuels supply 80% of the world’s energy and about 80% of the energy consumed in the U.S. Without fossil fuels, it would be impossible to build and maintain so-called renewable energy and electric vehicles. This is an indisputable fact. Yet the uninformed insist that we can dump the production of fossil fuels now if we only had the will. They are WRONG.
Read More “Simple Truth: Wind, Solar & EVs Don’t Exist Without Fossil Fuels”

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DNV Report Says Renewables Won’t Replace Fossil Fuels by 2050

Norwegian company DNV operates as a quality assurance and risk management company. It offers supply chain, data management, technical assurance, software, and advisory services. DNV recently published its annual Energy Transition Outlook 2023 (copy below). DNV’s predictions are somewhat shocking. The company is a global warming Kool-Aid drinker, believing we’ll all toast if we don’t “transition” away from burning fossil energy by 2050. Yet DNV’s report shows that it thinks by 2050, the world will still generate roughly half of all energy used from fossil energy. Today, roughly 80% of all energy comes from fossil energy. The CEO of DNV says this about so-called renewable energy: “Globally, the energy transition has not started, if, by transition, we mean that clean energy replaces fossil energy in absolute terms.” The report says the so-called energy transition from fossil energy to renewables is “still at the starting blocks.” Sobering honesty from a leftist source.
Read More “DNV Report Says Renewables Won’t Replace Fossil Fuels by 2050”


Investors Dumping Renewable Energy Stocks Like Hot Potatoes

Investors are voting with their money that unreliable renewables are not worth it. Investors dumped renewable energy funds from July through September at the fastest rate on record. Renewable shares “took a beating” from higher interest rates and soaring material costs, which are squeezing profit margins. In the six months from January through June, investors poured $3.36 billion into renewable shares. Investors took $1.4 billion (nearly half) out of renewables in the three months from July through September. That is the biggest-ever quarterly outflow. Investors are dropping renewables like a hot potato.
Read More “Investors Dumping Renewable Energy Stocks Like Hot Potatoes”

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EIA Report: Renewables Get Far More Gov’t Subsidies than Fossil Fuels

For years, we’ve seen the lie repeated by mainstream media, Big Green shills, and environmental lackeys that fossil energy gets big government subsidies. Let’s put that lie to bed right now. The Bidenistas, who operate the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), very quietly issued a major new report in early August that shows green energy receives FAR MORE in the way government subsidies than does fossil energy. FAR MORE.
Read More “EIA Report: Renewables Get Far More Gov’t Subsidies than Fossil Fuels”

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Cold Hard Fact: Solar & Wind Supply Piddly 2% of NY’s Electricity

Every single week, we read stories in mainstream media (and in the fringe environmental media) that declare so-called renewables, namely solar and wind, are taking the world by storm. They’re replacing fossil fuels. The fat lady is just about ready to sing and bring down the curtain on fossil energy because wind and solar are taking over, baby. Except it’s all a lie! The editor of the Times Observer (in Warren, PA), The Post-Journal (in Jamestown, NY), and the OBSERVER (in Dunkirk, NY) penned a sobering column that points out wind and solar contribute roughly 2% of the electricity flowing to the grid in New York State, and not much more for the grid in Pennsylvania.
Read More “Cold Hard Fact: Solar & Wind Supply Piddly 2% of NY’s Electricity”

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PA Gov. Josh Shapiro’s Wrong Approach to Electric Grid Reliability

Let’s face it: Josh Shapiro has been a major disappointment as Governor of Pennsylvania. He promised the moon to voters–that he would be both pro-gas and anti-gas at the same time. Some believed him, but we didn’t. Each week, new information comes along that reveals Shapiro’s true nature as a radical leftist Democrat. Shapiro said during the campaign he didn’t like the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) carbon tax that forces coal- and gas-fired power plants to close (see PA’s Shapiro Outright Lies About Position on RGGI Carbon Tax). In his very first budget, Shapiro included $600 million from RGGI carbon tax sales (see Coming Soon to PA – Gov. Josh Shapiro’s Energy Tax, aka RGGI). How’s that for a flip-flop? Now we learn that Shapiro has been writing love letters to the PJM grid operator, lecturing the grid to get more unreliable renewables going fast.
Read More “PA Gov. Josh Shapiro’s Wrong Approach to Electric Grid Reliability”