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NatGas-Powered WATT Fuel Cells HQ Staying in Westmoreland County

WATT Fuel Cell

WATT Fuel Cell Corp. signed a seven-year extension of its lease to keep its headquarters in Westmoreland County, PA. WATT Fuel Cell manufactures Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (“SOFC”) stacks and systems that operate on common, readily available fuels such as natural gas and propane. Instead of burning and combusting natural gas (or propane), those fuel sources are subjected to an electrochemical process that produces electricity (see this MDN post for a description of the process: SWPA NatGas Fuel Cell Backed by EQT Wins Product Certification).
Read More “NatGas-Powered WATT Fuel Cells HQ Staying in Westmoreland County”


Biden DOE Giving Money to Companies Controlled by China & Russia

Jigar Shah, head of the Department of Energy’s loan office, testifying Thursday. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee/Facebook

The office of Inspector General (IG) found at various government agencies is charged with keeping an independent eye on things. One of the critical things the IG keeps an eye on is how a particular agency spends its money. In case you didn’t know, the only way the government can spend money is to first take it from you (called taxes). Having independent oversight on how our money gets spent is a good idea. The IG for the U.S. Dept. of Energy (DOE), Teri Donaldson, appeared before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee last Thursday. She delivered a big warning to the DOE and Senators: She is “gravely concerned” that a meaningful portion of the $400 billion the Bidenistas are trying to spend as quickly as they can on so-called green energy projects (allocated by the Inflation Reduction Act, thanks to Joe Manchin), is at risk of going to companies controlled by the Chinese and the Russians.
Read More “Biden DOE Giving Money to Companies Controlled by China & Russia”


Simple Truth: Wind, Solar & EVs Don’t Exist Without Fossil Fuels

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that there’s a whole bunch of people in our energy-climate discussion who just won’t accept what can only be described as obvious and undeniable facts. What are those facts? Fossil fuels supply 80% of the world’s energy and about 80% of the energy consumed in the U.S. Without fossil fuels, it would be impossible to build and maintain so-called renewable energy and electric vehicles. This is an indisputable fact. Yet the uninformed insist that we can dump the production of fossil fuels now if we only had the will. They are WRONG.
Read More “Simple Truth: Wind, Solar & EVs Don’t Exist Without Fossil Fuels”

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DNV Report Says Renewables Won’t Replace Fossil Fuels by 2050

Norwegian company DNV operates as a quality assurance and risk management company. It offers supply chain, data management, technical assurance, software, and advisory services. DNV recently published its annual Energy Transition Outlook 2023 (copy below). DNV’s predictions are somewhat shocking. The company is a global warming Kool-Aid drinker, believing we’ll all toast if we don’t “transition” away from burning fossil energy by 2050. Yet DNV’s report shows that it thinks by 2050, the world will still generate roughly half of all energy used from fossil energy. Today, roughly 80% of all energy comes from fossil energy. The CEO of DNV says this about so-called renewable energy: “Globally, the energy transition has not started, if, by transition, we mean that clean energy replaces fossil energy in absolute terms.” The report says the so-called energy transition from fossil energy to renewables is “still at the starting blocks.” Sobering honesty from a leftist source.
Read More “DNV Report Says Renewables Won’t Replace Fossil Fuels by 2050”


Investors Dumping Renewable Energy Stocks Like Hot Potatoes

Investors are voting with their money that unreliable renewables are not worth it. Investors dumped renewable energy funds from July through September at the fastest rate on record. Renewable shares “took a beating” from higher interest rates and soaring material costs, which are squeezing profit margins. In the six months from January through June, investors poured $3.36 billion into renewable shares. Investors took $1.4 billion (nearly half) out of renewables in the three months from July through September. That is the biggest-ever quarterly outflow. Investors are dropping renewables like a hot potato.
Read More “Investors Dumping Renewable Energy Stocks Like Hot Potatoes”

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EIA Report: Renewables Get Far More Gov’t Subsidies than Fossil Fuels

For years, we’ve seen the lie repeated by mainstream media, Big Green shills, and environmental lackeys that fossil energy gets big government subsidies. Let’s put that lie to bed right now. The Bidenistas, who operate the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), very quietly issued a major new report in early August that shows green energy receives FAR MORE in the way government subsidies than does fossil energy. FAR MORE.
Read More “EIA Report: Renewables Get Far More Gov’t Subsidies than Fossil Fuels”

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Cold Hard Fact: Solar & Wind Supply Piddly 2% of NY’s Electricity

Every single week, we read stories in mainstream media (and in the fringe environmental media) that declare so-called renewables, namely solar and wind, are taking the world by storm. They’re replacing fossil fuels. The fat lady is just about ready to sing and bring down the curtain on fossil energy because wind and solar are taking over, baby. Except it’s all a lie! The editor of the Times Observer (in Warren, PA), The Post-Journal (in Jamestown, NY), and the OBSERVER (in Dunkirk, NY) penned a sobering column that points out wind and solar contribute roughly 2% of the electricity flowing to the grid in New York State, and not much more for the grid in Pennsylvania.
Read More “Cold Hard Fact: Solar & Wind Supply Piddly 2% of NY’s Electricity”

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PA Gov. Josh Shapiro’s Wrong Approach to Electric Grid Reliability

Let’s face it: Josh Shapiro has been a major disappointment as Governor of Pennsylvania. He promised the moon to voters–that he would be both pro-gas and anti-gas at the same time. Some believed him, but we didn’t. Each week, new information comes along that reveals Shapiro’s true nature as a radical leftist Democrat. Shapiro said during the campaign he didn’t like the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) carbon tax that forces coal- and gas-fired power plants to close (see PA’s Shapiro Outright Lies About Position on RGGI Carbon Tax). In his very first budget, Shapiro included $600 million from RGGI carbon tax sales (see Coming Soon to PA – Gov. Josh Shapiro’s Energy Tax, aka RGGI). How’s that for a flip-flop? Now we learn that Shapiro has been writing love letters to the PJM grid operator, lecturing the grid to get more unreliable renewables going fast.
Read More “PA Gov. Josh Shapiro’s Wrong Approach to Electric Grid Reliability”

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Eversource Drilling 90 Boreholes in Mass. – Pollute Groundwater?

We guarantee that if an oil and gas company announced it was in the process of drilling 90 boreholes 700 feet deep (through the groundwater table) to extract oil and gas in the bastion of liberalism known as Massachusetts, the leftist mainstream media would have a stroke. There would be protests. There would be nutballs gluing themselves together in plastic PVC pipe in front of the drilling rigs to prevent drilling. The news would make the front page of the Boston Globe, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the LA Times. But if the same company drills 90 boreholes 700 feet deep and calls it “geothermal” … nothing. Not a peep from anyone. Even though geothermal pipes that run through the water table pump something far more dangerous than drilling mud. Bentonite (drilling mud) is the same stuff used in kitty litter and toothpaste. It’s completely non-toxic and safe if it leaks. On the other hand, geothermal systems pump antifreeze through pipes. Eversource, the largest utility company in Massachusetts, announced yesterday it is drilling 90 boreholes in Framingham, MA, and will pump dangerous antifreeze through it to heat local homes, businesses, and a community college. Where is the outrage?
Read More “Eversource Drilling 90 Boreholes in Mass. – Pollute Groundwater?”

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Communist NY Forcing Schools, Hospitals to 100% Renewables by 2035

Two days ago, we brought you the very sad news that New York State has fallen and is now under a Communist dictatorship (see NY State has Fallen – Gas Stoves & Peaker Plants Banned in Budget). Our freedom to choose which energy source we want to use is gone. Little did we know of another measure passed as part of the state budget that requires municipally-owned properties, including many hospitals and schools, as well as public housing and public transit, forcing them to switch to unreliable renewable energy by 2035.
Read More “Communist NY Forcing Schools, Hospitals to 100% Renewables by 2035”

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The Biggest Gamble in History – Ending the Use of Fossil Fuels

Those who believe the world can force a transition to so-called renewable energy in the next 20-30 years and force the world to stop using fossil energy are delusional. Among them are the “leaders” of the G7 nations: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The so-called forced energy transition is, says energy expert David Blackmon, “one of the biggest policy gambles in world history.” The G7 are all betting the farm on the proposition that they can force fossil fuels out of business and replace them with “rent-seeking” solar, wind, EVs, and hydrogen.
Read More “The Biggest Gamble in History – Ending the Use of Fossil Fuels”

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LNG, Hydrogen, CCS, Renewables Delayed by Gov’t Red Tape

Joe Biden has big plans to force you to change the way you get (and consume) your energy. He wants you to use hydrogen, electricity (generated by unreliable renewable sources like wind and solar), force you to capture your carbon dioxide (the stuff you breathe out with every breath you take), and in general, use anything other than fossil energy. Joe is happy to export LNG (a nasty fossil fuel), but only because other people will use it and not you. There’s one big problem with making Joe’s dystopian future a reality: The government bureaucracy and red tape that it spins, is preventing his preferred sources of energy from getting built and used. Isn’t it delicious? The very bureaucracy the left loves and adores is strangling the left’s attempts at the forced conversion of society to alternative energy.
Read More “LNG, Hydrogen, CCS, Renewables Delayed by Gov’t Red Tape”


So-Called Energy Transition Got Derailed by the Real World in 2022


It seems like a day doesn’t go by without so-called reporters regurgitating the same tired talking points that fossil energy is killing Mom Earth, and everyone MUST transition to renewable energy. But then reality, the real world, sets in. Like it did in 2022. How did the great “transition” to renewables go in 2022? According to one of the biggest boosters of forced conversion to renewables therapy, the International Energy Agency (IEA), coal consumption across the planet reached a new, all-time high in 2022. Whoops! Guess the transition didn’t quite go as planned, eh?
Read More “So-Called Energy Transition Got Derailed by the Real World in 2022”

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IEA Peddles More Wild Fantasies in “Renewables 2022” Report

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is at it again. In May 2021, IEA issued an astonishing report calling for an end to all investments in oil, gas, and coal to reach the fantasy goal of net zero by 2050 (see Intl Energy Agency Says World Should Stop All New O&G Development). IEA issued a new report on Renewables 2022 last Tuesday. The organization’s chief, Fatih Birol, tweeted “big news”, claiming that “the world is set to add as much renewable power in the next 5 years as it did in the whole of the past 20 years as countries seek to take advantage of renewables’ energy security benefits”. The mainstream press repeated this false claim with no fact-checking. They got duped once again. How about we do some of our own fact-checking?
Read More “IEA Peddles More Wild Fantasies in “Renewables 2022” Report”

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Is So-Called “Peak Oil” (Finally) Almost Here? No, Not Even Close

We’ve heard the peak oil theory peddled countless times since we began publishing Marcellus Drilling News in January 2009. Every single time predictions that the world (or the U.S.) has reached its limit and will now begin using less oil have been astoundingly wrong. Yet every few months, you’ll read another “expert” or guru announce this it…we’ve finally reached peak oil. Have we? NO. Not even close. When will we? We’ve got an answer.
Read More “Is So-Called “Peak Oil” (Finally) Almost Here? No, Not Even Close”

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Penn State Suggests Reusing Old O&G Wells for Geothermal Energy

Here’s a novel idea. What if you take some of the hundreds of thousands of abandoned oil and natural gas wells dotting the countryside in Pennsylvania and run tubing into those wells, circulating water through the tubing, and transfer Mom Earth’s natural heat to the water and then use the heated water heat homes and farms and businesses that are located nearby? In other words, instead of capping the wells (plugging them with cement), cover them to prevent methane leaks and use the wells as a geothermal heat source. At least some of them. Penn State has looked at it and published a paper to say it’s feasible.
Read More “Penn State Suggests Reusing Old O&G Wells for Geothermal Energy”