Big Pittsburgh Foundation Funds Education for Shale Industry

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Seems like every time we talk about Big Money foundations, those foundations (which are tax exempt) are far-left in philosophy and when they fund anything to do with the environment or education or business, it's always with strings attached that said activity will have an anti-drilling bias. Need money for a new "study" to bash shale energy? Take your pick. In Philadelphia, there is the William Penn Foundation. In New York (and North Carolina) there's the Park Foundation. And in Pittsburgh, the Heinz Foundation--run by Teresa Heinz Kerry (whom we call Mamma Teresa here on MDN). Hard left, all of them. So when we spotted an article about another Pittsburgh-based foundation--the Benedum Foundation--that is donating money to HELP the shale industry, well, we knew that's a "man bites dog" story worthy of highlighting. The Benedum Foundation does a great deal of its grantmaking for science, technology, medical and engineering (STEM) education. Lately they've concentrated on training students who will, after school, land a job at someplace like CONSOL Energy, or the under-construction Shell ethane cracker plant in Beaver County. Although Benedum doesn't spend nearly as much as the larger Heinz Foundation, we see Benedum as the antidote--a counterbalance--to some of the damage caused by Mamma Teresa and her married-into, huge piles of money that she spends to oppose shale energy...

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