High Elec Rates Coming in CT After Natgas Electric Plant Rejected

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"Stupid is as stupid does." - Forrest Gump. New England needs more natural gas. Why? Because they heat with it, but more importantly, because the produce electricity with it. New England has the highest electric rates in the country--up to four times higher than other regions. These are indisputable facts. In early 2014 all of the six New England state governors sent a letter supporting new pipeline infrastructure to bring cheap, abundant, clean-burning Marcellus Shale gas to New England (see Blue State Blues: 6 New England States Want New Natgas Pipeline). One of those governors was/is Connecticut's Dannel Malloy--a liberal Democrat. Wonders never cease. But opposition to pipelines--and now (incredibly) to the very plants that produce electricity, has metastasized--such is the power of anti-fossil fuel lunacy. The Connecticut Siting Council has rejected a plan to build a new, $537 million natgas-fired electric plant in Killingly. When Connecticut residents begin to experience not only insanely high prices for electricity, but the fact they can't even get electricity at any cost (i.e. rolling blackouts), don't say we didn't warn them...

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