Exclusive: CONSOL Energy Sells WV Acreage/Wells to Antero Resources

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A week ago a sharp MDN reader (landowner) in West Virginia emailed us to ask about news of a sale by CNX Gas (i.e. CONSOL Energy) of their leases and wells in Doddridge County to Antero Resources. We were stumped. We've neither heard nor read anything about it. We searched. And searched. And searched. Nothing. She wrote again a few days later--had we heard anything? Nope. Then we got a second email from another MDN reader asking about the same thing. Our second questioner is in the oil and gas industry. When we questioned him, he gave us a few more clues: It may not only be in Doddridge, but also Tyler County too. There's something happening in both areas. So we put our feelers out to a number of industry contacts and heard back from one of them--a highly placed source--who confirmed our tipsters. So we now have three people confirming. We know something has been sold and deeds are getting transferred from CNX to Antero in at least one county. Our best guess is that a sale is happening not just in Doddridge, but also in Ritchie, Tyler and Pleasants counties too. We have not (yet) been able to confirm this with Antero, but we feel we have enough to share with you, our valued readers. Here's what we know, the evidence we have, and a map of the acreage we believe has been/is getting transferred from CNX to Antero...

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