When a state produces more energy than it consumes, that state is a net energy "supplier" (or exporter). States consume energy in the form of oil, gas, coal and electricity, primarily. They produce energy in the same way. Our favorite government agency, the U.S. Energy Information Administration, recently released State Energy Data System estimates for net energy supply, state by state, from 1960-2015. Their analysis found that currently, for the year 2015, some 12 states produced more primary energy than they consumed, while 38 states and the District of Columbia were net recipients of energy. Among the state producing more than they consume, two of the top five are Marcellus Shale states: Pennsylvania and West Virginia. PA's net supplier status is due mostly to the rise of the Marcellus. In the case of WV, the state still is a big coal producer, but it is the Marcellus that lifts the state into the column of net energy supplier...
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