Another Radical Anti Tapped to Head Radical PennFuture

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Photo credit: Brandon Reefer
How many times can we fit the word "radical" into a story? We're not sure, but we may break the record today. We can't stress enough just how radical the so-called environmental organization PennFuture really is. Let's define terms. According to Google, "radical" is defined as, "Advocating...complete political or social change; representing or supporting an extreme or progressive section of a political party." Perhaps we could summarize it this way: a radical is someone who is far outside the mainstream, someone who wants to fundamentally change the way you live. That's PennFuture. The organization is dedicated to ending the use of fossil fuels, period. That's extreme. That's not normal. That's lunatic, in our humble opinion. PennFuture has spawned a number of far-left political types who have populated the Tom Wolf administration in Pennsylvania. Former employees of PennFuture who have worked in high level positions in liberal Democrat Tom Wolf's administration include: John Quigley, Secretary of the Dept. of Environmental Protection (now gone); John Hanger, Secretary of Policy and Planning (now gone); and Cindy Dunn, Secretary of the Dept. of Conservation and Natural Resources (still there). The current CEO of PennFuture, Larry Schweiger, is retiring. So it's time to appoint a new radical to replace him. That enviro radical would be Jacquelyn Bonomo, a Penn State English major whose credentials to lead PA's "leading environmental organization" seem to be bird watching and hiking...

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