New Kid on the Block Gives THE Dela. Riverkeeper Some Competition

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Sandra Meola
Looks like THE Delaware Riverkeeper, Maya van Rossum, now has some competition. We've written about the radical Riverkeeper for years--an anti-fossil fuel organization hellbent to stop the use of fossil fuels by opposing fracking and pipelines anywhere and everywhere throughout the Marcellus/Utica region. Fruitcakes. Funded by the William Penn Foundation and Heinz Endowments, among other politically-active-yet-tax-exempt Big Green funders. But what's this? There's a relatively new organization (formed in 2012) called the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed (CDRW). Beginning this month, Sandra Meola becomes director of the organization. By all accounts the CDRW is just as far-left as Riverkeeper, although CDRW seems to be more about raising money for particular projects rather than suing fossil fuel companies. According to the CDRW website, "The Coalition is made up of numerous organizations working throughout the four-state Delaware River Watershed to protect and restore one of America's great river basins. Members range in size and reach from local groups on the front lines of Watershed protection, to organizations that work on regional, state, and national levels." In looking through the Members page (the list of organizations that belong to the CDRW), we spot the usual suspects. PennFuture, Trout Unlimited, Pennsylvania Environmental Council--radical green groups all, vehemently opposed to shale energy. Noticeably absent from the CDRW Members list is THE Delaware Riverkeeper. We wonder, why is that?...

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