PennFuture Tries to Bully Pittsburgh Airport re Gas Royalties
As is so often the case, radical Big Green groups, like PennFuture, attempt to intimidate (i.e. bully) by using threats of legal action, those who dare to use and (gasp) enjoy the monetary benefits of shale drilling. In early 2013 the Pittsburgh International Airport and Allegheny County, PA signed a deal with CONSOL Energy (now CNX Resources) to lease 9,000 acres surrounding the airport for natural gas drilling (see $50M Check in the Mail: Pittsburgh Airport Lease a Done Deal). The airport received a $50 million signing bonus and the promise of 18% royalties on anything produced and sold. The first wells began to flow natural gas for the first time exactly two years ago, in July 2016 (see CONSOL’s First Pittsburgh Airport Wells Begin to Flow NatGas). So far, for 2016 and 2017, the airport has received a grand total of just over $16 million in royalty payments and another $857,000 from other fees. Yikes! The airport uses the revenue "to reduce airline rates and charges and for capital the Airport." So along comes the Big Green bullies from PennFuture, threatening to sue the airport if it doesn't use the money for what PennFuture wants it used for. Yeah, the money does not belong to PennFuture, but that doesn't stop this rogue "nonprofit" from throwing its weight around and making demands. PennFuture is telling the airport the money MUST be used to "further the interests of citizens under the environmental rights amendment." Whatever that means. PennFuture told the airport, in a nasty letter, that the airport is in violation of Article I, Section 27 of the Pennsylvania Constitution. Our advice to the airport: Tell PennFuture to take a hike in the vast PA outdoors...
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