PA Commonwealth Court Blocks RGGI Carbon Tax Pending Fall Trial

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We finally have some good news to share with respect to Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf's foolish plan to force PA's coal- and natural gas-fired power plants to begin paying an obscenely high tax on carbon dioxide emissions as part of the so-called Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). After exhausting various attempts to block it, Wolf published a final RGGI regulation in the Pennsylvania Bulletin in April (see PA Adopts Carbon Tax, Publishing Final RGGI Reg in Apr 23 Bulletin). The new RGGI reg went into effect on Friday, June 24, despite ongoing lawsuits to block it. But then a wonderful thing happened. On Friday, July 1, a Commonwealth Court judge blocked the state from implementing RGGI until a trial happens this fall to consider a challenge against RGGI by coal and gas-fired power plants.

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