Is There Still a Chance for Fracking in New York State?
One of the questions MDN editor Jim Willis (who lives in New York State) often gets at family gatherings and the occasional conference (when folks find out he writes about "fracking" and "shale energy") is this: "Will New York ever get fracking?" Jim's tongue-in-cheek answer is, "When pigs fly!" The slightly longer answer is that the ignominious politician Andrew Cuomo, while he was governor, slipped a permanent ban on fracking into law as part of the 2020 state budget bill (see Cuomo PERMANENTLY Bans NY Fracking in Now-Adopted Budget). It would take both a Republican governor and a Republican-controlled legislature to overturn the frack ban now ensconced in law. NY is sometimes able to elect a Republican governor and even a Republican Senate. But NY will never elect a majority of Republicans in the House. There are just too many socialist Democrats who live in New York City.
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