MAD: Time to Oppose “Permitting Reform” for Pipelines & Renewables

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Ever hear of the term MAD--or mutually assured destruction? It was popularized during the Cold War we had with Communist Russia (i.e. the Soviet Union) in the last century. The MAD doctrine said if one side used a nuclear weapon against the other, the other side would retaliate. The war would quickly escalate, and each side would essentially destroy the other side, and there would be nothing left but cinders. MAD meant nobody, in their right mind, would launch the first nuke. Let's apply that doctrine to today's environmental Communists on the left (i.e. the Democrats in Washington). They HAVE launched the equivalent of a nuclear attack against the fossil fuel industry. We think it's time to retaliate and take them out, too (no winners). How? By refusing to vote in favor of so-called "permitting reform" that would make it easier to build so-called renewable energy projects in this country. Let's let the left have a taste of the destruction they have brought on fossil energy for the past 20 years or so. See how THEY like it. Yeah, it's MAD.

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