For more than a decade, MDN has brought you stories about shale development on and under land controlled by the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District (MWCD), an agency formed in 1933 to help control flooding and promote water conservation in the Muskingum River watershed area of Ohio, an area that covers 8,000 square miles (
see our Muskingum Watershed stories here). Over the years, MWCD has leased tens of thousands of acres for Utica Shale drilling and cut deals to sell water to drillers for fracking. According to a new study from Cleveland State University, the MWCD's aggressive leasing for Utica drilling has brought more than $1 billion in economic stimulus to the region.
And not one penny is government (your) money! It's all private money being injected into the Buckeye State.
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