Maryland Democrat Flips, Wants to Use NatGas to Fire Power Plants

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This is another in a series of observations that we (fossil fuel advocates) are winning. Finally, we are having an impact. The official party line of the Democrats has been to block the use of any and all fossil fuel energy by amping up regulations and passing laws to limit or eliminate its production, transportation, and even usage (witness the Dems trying to outlaw gas stoves, furnaces, and water heaters over the past couple of years). Those efforts have failed spectacularly. And now, some Dems admit their failure, like Maryland General Assembly member C.T. Wilson from Charles County. He told Baltimore's Fox affiliate that the state "should be open to using natural gas to meet its green energy goals." There you go. A Dem just redefined natural gas as "green" so he and his party can save face. Whatever. At least they're beginning to admit what everyone else already knows: The use of natural gas isn't going away.

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