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PA DEP Fails to Follow-up Forest County Shale Violations for 12 Yrs

A December 11 Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PA DEP) inspection of a shale gas well pad and water impoundment owned by Nucomer Energy LLC in Hickory Township, Forest County, found the company still had not done final cleanup of the site more than 12 years after the wells were completed and 33 months after DEP issued the original violations for failure to restore the site. While we won’t defend noncompliance, the big story is why in the world the DEP didn’t follow up on the original construction from 12 years ago, and why, after issuing a notice of violation in April 2022, it took another 33 months before the DEP returned to check. Is the DEP asleep at the switch?! Read More “PA DEP Fails to Follow-up Forest County Shale Violations for 12 Yrs”