ShaleNavigator Service Adds 10K Acres to Available Property Layer
MDN is happy to give a high-five and shout-out to our Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook co-editor Ed Camp and his excellent ShaleNavigator online shale mapping service. Not long ago Ed added an "Available Property" map layer to the ShaleNavigator service which shows acreage available for leasing. The great thing about ShaleNavigator? You can add other layers, like pipelines, wells permitted/drilled, etc. Add all of those layers together with the Available Property layer--now you're talking! Is this acreage near other leased acreage? Close to wells already being drilled? Pipelines in the area? Using ShaleNavigator's Available Property and other layers together is like going from monochrome to full color.
The "new news" from Ed is that he's just added another 10,000 acres to the Available Property layer. ShaleNavigator is a great service for individual landowners, landowner groups, drillers, midstreamers, landmen--anyone connected to the shale drilling industry in the Marcellus/Utica region. Today's press release from our friend Ed:
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