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MDN Launches 2015 Marcellus/Utica Databook – 4th Year!

2015 Databook coversEarlier this week Marcellus Drilling News launched the fourth series of our Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook. The 2015 edition of the Databook, Volume 1, officially launched on Tuesday. Never in our wildest dreams did we think back in 2012 that the Databook would become so popular. We’ve now published three complete series–the 2012, 2013 and 2014 series (3 volumes each, or nine volumes total) and this week begins the fourth series–for 2015. The heart and soul of the Databook is a series of maps–one for every county where permits for drilling have been issued–throughout Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio. The “secret sauce” for the Databook is to visually, through maps and charts (89 of them in this edition), show you who is drilling right now or soon will be–and where they are drilling…
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Will the Marcellus/Utica Overtake the Henry Hub? We Have an Answer

MDN Editor Jim Willis had the pleasure of hosting a webinar yesterday on behalf of NGI – Natural Gas Intelligence. Jim’s “other day job” includes helping NGI with marketing their great publications–including Shale Daily, Daily Gas Price Index, Forward Look and more. Yesterday Jim moderated a webinar provocatively named “Will the Marcellus/Utica Overtake the Henry Hub?” On the call was NGI’s in-house expert Pat Rau, director of strategy and research for NGI, who laid out a top-notch analysis of what’s coming down the pike for the Marcellus, and his thinking on whether or not the venerable Henry Hub delivery point (in south Louisiana), which is used as a proxy for the average price of natural gas, might one day be replaced with a different “basis” point–say Dominion South (from the Marcellus). The whole shebang went about 45 minutes.

MDN readers can listen to the on-demand replay and download the slides for free by going to: www.naturalgasintel.com/webinar.


Happy Easter! MDN’s Top 30 Stories for Last 30 Days

Happy EasterMDN is taking today, Good Friday, off from the normal story writing routine. We have, however, assembled a list of the top 30 most-read MDN stories over the past 30 days. We thought you might find it useful to see which stories were most appealing to the majority of MDN readers. As you scan the list, did you read these stories? You might spot a story or two you didn’t read that maybe you want to read now–or re-read!

The stories below are ranked in order from highest number of reads to lowest. Bear in mind some these stories were published prior to the last 30 days–but remain popular. Story #1 in the list below was read 2,842 times in the last 30 days, and story #30 below was read 514 times in the last 30 days–just to give you some perspective.
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Last Chance to Join MDN at Pittsburgh Industry Summit on March 25

Oil & Gas AwardsThe 3rd Annual Northeast Oil & Gas Awards event is now just two weeks away. This is a final shout-out to MDN readers and our exclusive offer to you: Attend the Industry Summit during the day for free, saving you $199 (see details for how to signup here: Exclusive for MDN Readers: Attend Pittsburgh O&G Industry Summit FREE). MDN editor Jim Willis will moderate two of the panel discussions during the Industry Summit. During the evening our industry’s top performers in a number of categories will be honored at an invitation-only dinner. This year’s Guest of Honor will be Lou D’Amico, president of the Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association (PIOGA). Below we have a copy of the program for Industry Summit, a list of the categories in which companies compete for recognition, and the list of companies that are this year’s finalists, up for the top prize in each category…
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ShaleNavigator Adds Updated Frack Waste Facilities Layer to Maps

As many MDN readers know, MDN editor Jim Willis partners with Ed Camp from ShaleNavigator, using ShaleNavigator’s top-notch mapping software to create the marvelous maps found in the Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook series. Ed maps the most recent round of permits issued (over the previous four months) on county maps, showing driller name and location for each volume of the Databook. But the maps show a lot more than just permit locations–like major natural gas pipelines, the locations of compressor stations and over a dozen other “layers” available to users of the ShaleNavigator service.

You can now add one more updated layer to the service: the location of frack waste facilities used by Marcellus and Utica Shale drillers. The most recent volume of the 2014 Databook, Volume 3, contains that very information: a complete list (with addresses and phone numbers) for frack waste facilities. Ed has used the location data for those waste facilities compiled for the Databook and has added the updated layer for users of his excellent service. The press release is below. Be sure to give ShaleNavigator a try by signing up for a free 7-day trial account
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Exclusive for MDN Readers: Attend Pittsburgh O&G Industry Summit FREE

Oil & Gas AwardsLast March, MDN participated in the Oil & Gas Awards regional event in Pittsburgh (see Oil & Gas Awards “Northeast Conference for Excellence” Now on MDN). It was a blast meeting and talking with members of the industry. Like last year, we are once again participating in the event this March in Pittsburgh. MDN editor Jim Willis is moderating a couple of the panel discussions during the day-time conference, which is dubbed the Northeast Industry Summit. We have two pieces of big news for MDN readers: 1) The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring and participating this year, and 2) Jim wants MDN readers to attend, so he’s arranged with the O&G Awards crew to offer MDN readers a FREE pass to the Summit, which will save you $199. Here’s how to register…
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MDN Releases Vol. 3 for 2014 Marcellus/Utica Shale Databook

Databook 2014 Vol. 3MDN has just launched Volume 3 of the 2014 Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook. The Databook is a 3-volume series we issue each year, meant for companies and even serious landowners who want to know what’s happening and where in the Marcellus and Utica Shale. It contains a series of maps–one for each county throughout the northeast where permits have been issued for shale wells. On the maps we show where the permit was issued, and who (which company) it was issued to. In addition, MDN editor Jim Willis writes a number of special sections to update you on drilling and related issues, including regulatory, prices, rig and well count trends and much more. Each issue also sports special sections not repeated in the other volumes. In Vol. 3 we have a comprehensive list of Marcellus/Utica waste facilities–injection wells, landfills and more. We give you the name, location and phone number for the facility. Bang–we just saved you about 10 hours of work! Also in Vol. 3 is a special contributed section by two experts on factors influencing the production of Marcellus Shale wells–and how those factors affect a well’s decline curve…
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Top 15 Most-Read Stories on MDN for 2014

top 15Yes it’s trite, yes it’s overdone, yes it’s a lazy way for an editor to gin up another story (aren’t you glad we’re honest?)…but we’ll do it anyway. MDN wondered, of the 2,500+ stories we published in 2014, which ones garnered the most views? Bear in mind that non-paying readers sometimes read entire articles (if they find them via a Google search). So we looked at overall, for paying and non-paying readers, what caught your interest in 2014? Here’s the top 15 most-read stories in 2014…
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The Top 10 Things MDN is Thankful for in 2014

Happy ThanksgivingA very Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Marcellus Drilling News will be on holiday both Thursday, Nov. 27 and Friday, Nov. 28. We’ll be back with all of the latest Marcellus and Utica News next Monday, which will be Dec. 1. Can you believe how quickly December snuck up on us?! Meanwhile, for your Thanksgiving enjoyment, below is a list of the top 10 Marcellus/Utica things MDN is thankful for this holiday season…
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MDN Research: $58B in NE Infrastructure Projects, List of Top 5

2014 Databook Vol. 2 coverMarcellus Drilling News collaborates with the excellent ShaleNavigator service to publish a series of research reports called the Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook. MDN editor Jim Willis is very excited to announce that Volume 2 for the 2014 Databook series has just been released–and it is, without question, our best-ever. Among the pearls in this newest edition: Jim completely updated a comprehensive list of Marcellus/Utica Shale midstream and infrastructure projects (pipelines and processing plants) that first appeared in Vol. 2 of last year’s series. At that time, in 2013, projects either under construction or planned added up to a staggering $40 billion of investment coming to the northeast. This year? It’s even more mind-blowing. Infrastructure projects planned for the northeast now tally $58 billion–a 45% increase! Read on for the list of the top 5 big-money projects planned for the Marcellus/Utica
Read More “MDN Research: $58B in NE Infrastructure Projects, List of Top 5”

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MDN Editor Jim Willis Appears on Scranton Talk Radio

From MDN editor Jim Willis: I don’t do it often, but every now and again I’m contacted to appear on a radio talk show to discuss Marcellus Shale drilling and related issues. Last week I was contacted by David Madeira who hosts a daily morning talk show in the Scranton/Wilkes-Barre area on 94.3 FM “The Talker”. Dave is a great guy and a great host. He truly makes it easy! Dave wanted the low down on the story that was started way back in June by a liberal PBS reporter who is quoting two former PA State Health Department employees who claim they were muzzled from talking to residents claiming to have suffered health impacts from nearby shale drilling. I wrote up the story of how the media has conducted a smear campaign against the health department (see PA’s Sec of Health Fires Back at Reckless Accusations Against Dept). On the call, I walk David through how a story like this is manufactured and recycled through “mainstream” liberal media. Give it a listen!
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MDN Misfire – List of Stories Published Fri, Jul 18 [FREE]

For whatever reason, every now and again our email provider (Mailchimp) screws it up and doesn’t send headlines–or sends only some headlines–in our daily email. That happened last Friday. Two headlines came through, but not the rest, including our lead stories. To compound Mailchimp’s screw-up, we didn’t notice until later in the day–so we screwed up too. Forthwith is the complete list of stories published on Friday, so you’re aware of them…
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Baker Hughes Announces 2Q14 Well Count – What is a Well Count?

No doubt you’ve heard of the Baker Hughes rig count–the number of drilling rigs currently in use to drill oil and gas wells. Baker Hughes has provided that data for, like, forever! Used to be you could lay a ruler down and determine whether supplies of natural gas would increase or decrease based on the number of drilling rigs in use. That went out the door a few years ago with shale wells. Production numbers are no longer closely tied to the rig count. So Baker Hughes invented a new metric to help: well counts. They reported last week that well counts are up 5% in the second quarter of 2014 over 2013. Wait, what’s a well count? And why is it important?…
Read More “Baker Hughes Announces 2Q14 Well Count – What is a Well Count?”

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MDN Launches 2014 Marcellus/Utica Databook – 3rd Year!

Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook - 2014 EditionMarcellus Drilling News is today launching the third series of our Marcellus and Utica Shale Databook! The 2014 edition of the Databook, Volume 1, officially launches today. Never in our wildest dreams did we think back in 2012 that the Databook would become so popular. We’ve now published two complete series–the 2012 and 2013 series (3 volumes each, or six volumes total) and today begins the third series–for 2014. The heart and soul of the Databook is a series of maps–one for every county where permits for drilling have been issued–throughout Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Ohio. The “secret sauce” for the Databook is to visually, through maps and charts (87 of them in this edition), show you who is drilling right now or soon will be–and where they are drilling…
Read More “MDN Launches 2014 Marcellus/Utica Databook – 3rd Year!”

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Oil & Gas Awards “Northeast Conference for Excellence” Now on MDN

movie popcornIn a bit of a departure from our normal “all news all the time” format, MDN is excited to bring you the recorded video sessions from the recent Oil & Gas Awards “Northeast Conference for Excellence.” All of them! You may recall that the Oil & Gas Awards held their annual Northeast conference and awards ceremony in Pittsburgh on Thursday, March 20. MDN editor Jim Willis was honored to be a part of the event, moderating two panels for the conference. We wrote up our impressions of this top-notch event here: Oil & Gas Awards – List of Winners, Bang-up Time!

The folks at the Oil & Gas Awards recorded the conference sessions in Pittsburgh and have made them available exclusively to MDN for our subscribers (never a better time to subscribe!). For today’s daily email/stories, we have included separate articles for each session–describing who the the speakers are, and what they talk about during the session. It give you a handy way to zero in on just the content you may be most interested in hearing. But having said that, let me encourage you to–as you have time–listen and watch the entire thing! It’s all here. I felt each session was weighty–with loads of good information and intelligence for those with an interest in the Marcellus and Utica Shale. You won’t be bored.

So break out the popcorn, stick the earplugs into your computer, get a pad and pen handy and watch and learn. You’ll get a first-class education from this conference.

Jim Willis, Editor
Marcellus Drilling News

List of sessions:

OGA 1: Keynote Address – Gary Evans, Magnum Hunter Resources

OGA 2: Panel Discussion – Marcellus/Utica Midstream Update

OGA 3: Market Update – Greg Lorson, TEEMCO

OGA 4: Panel Discussion – Drilling & Completions (Jim Willis moderates)

OGA 5: Keynote Address – Chad Zamarin, NiSource Midstream

OGA 6: Panel Discussion – Health & Safety (Jim Willis moderates)

OGA 7: Panel Discussion – Environmental Protection

OGA 8: Keynote Address – John Applegath, Range Resources

OGA 9: Panel Discussion – Community Engagement

P.S. We’ve included one extra story because it’s time sensitive–for our fellow New Yorkers. President Obama will be visiting Cooperstown, NY on Thursday, May 22nd. The Joint Landowners Coalition of New York has put out the word to have pro-drilling New Yorkers show up to welcome the president and let him know (via peaceful signs) that Cuomo needs some encouragement to get off the dime with shale drilling in NY.