USGS Study Says Drilling Wastewater Not Fully Treated by Plants
In a bit of a scam, the U.S. Geological Survey has released the results of a new study that supposedly shows when conventional and unconventional wastewater (no distinction) is run through the local sewer plant for processing, it results in nasty stuff being dumped into local streams and rivers (study titled "Discharges of produced waters from oil and gas extraction via wastewater treatment plants are sources of disinfection by-products to receiving streams"). The scam is that U.S. taxpayer-paid researchers working for a U.S. government agency produced this report, but you can't get a copy unless you pay Elsevier $41.95 for a copy. Excuse us, but reports and studies conducted by the government and paid for by us, taxpayers, are supposed to be free (we paid for it!)--not locked up in a private, for-profit business.
Therefore, we only have the abstract and summary on which to evaluate the study...
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