A question MDN is frequently asked...
Q: When will the issue of fracking in New York State really and truly be decided--and by whom?
A: June 2014, by the NY Court of Appeals. "Not by Gov. Cuomo?" you ask. Nope. He'll come around, eventually. The
real issue has always been whether or not entire towns can ban fracking based on the vote of 3 or 4 people who sit on a town board--a vote that denies every citizen in that town their Constitutional private property rights. Two cases now before the New York Court of Appeals will decide the issue once and for all.
Thanks to the lead attorney for one of those cases--Scott Kurkoski, attorney for the "Middlefield" case--we now have insight into how and when this will all progress from now through June of next year. It started yesterday when briefs were filed by Kurkoski (for Middlefield) and by Albany-area attorney Tom West (for the "Dryden" case) with the Court of Appeals...
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