PPG Tries to Prop Up Discredited/Shamed PA Rep Jesse White

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You know that anti-drilling State Rep. Jesse White (Cecil, Washington County, PA) is in trouble when the Democrat editorial board of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette takes time to author an entire editorial to make excuses for his deranged behavior in attacking his own constituents by using fake online identities--pretending to be some of his own pro-drilling constituents and posting comments as them to make them look bad (see How the Mighty Have Fallen: PA Rep White Admits Guilt, Not Sorry). It's sick, it's unpardonable, and at a minimum unethical--perhaps even illegal. He should have been tossed out of office a year ago when it was exposed--but there you go. Behaving badly is a resume enhancer in the PA Democrat Party and now White's fellow Dems on the editorial board of the PPG have to hold their noses and try to keep him in office with their lame "approval" of him...

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